Stormwater Foodscaping
This client was having issues with flooding in her front yard during large storms and wanted to grow low-maintenance edible plants. The diagnosis process led us to the design and installation of an edible rain garden. Solving the problem of flooding, and also sending much of the water collected from her roof into the rain garden, all while being planted out as a beautiful edible landscape. This garden is a showcase of the beautiful, edible landscape, indistinguishable from an ornamental landscape complete with edible flowers, showy foliage, and seasonal visual changes. After a couple of years this garden will fill out and look much more mature. This was a great example of a problem (flooding) being transformed into a beautiful, functional, artistic garden.
"I wanted to do something about the grass, and I also wanted to do something about the rain problem flooding my basement. The idea of having plants that I can eat as a bonus, or attract insects like bees was perfect... I’m very relaxed now if I see a lot of rain, I don’t worry my basement is gonna flood. Before I would ask if I needed to build an ark!"
Janice Kataoka, SPCA